Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]


Key to Course Numbers

Courses numbered 001 - 099 represent remedial work and carry no credit toward a degree or credential.  Generally these courses are developmental, remedial, or pre-college in content.

Courses numbered 100 to 299 are designed for freshmen and sophomores but are available to other students.

Coursed numbered exactly 300EX designate CBASE experimental courses.  Such courses are not listed in the Catalog since they arise out of special needs and are offered a limited number of times.  The subject area will indicate the discipline to which this experimental course pertains.

Courses numbered exactly 400EX designate CAPS experimental courses. Such courses are not listed in the Catalog since they arise out of special needs and are offered a limited number of times. The subject area will indicate the discipline to which this experimental course pertains (ACCT, BMGT, MGMT, etc).

Courses numbered 301 to 499 are designed primarily for juniors and seniors but are available to qualified sophomores and freshmen if all prerequisites have been met.

Courses numbered exactly 600EX designate graduate experimental courses.  Such courses are not listed in the Catalog since they arise out of special needs and are offered a limited number of times.  The subject area will indicate the discipline to which this experimental course pertains (ACCT, BSAD, MIS, etc.).

Courses numbered 500 to 699 are designate graduate-level offerings. Such courses are open to undergraduates by special arrangements only.

CP following the course number denotes that the course was taken from the College of Adult and Professional Studies; CB denotes that the course was taken from the College of Business, Arts, Sciences, and Education.

  • ZOSC 120 - Zookeeping Techniques & Lab

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Declared Zoo Science Major
    This course provides an overview of the policies, procedures, and methods employed in the “best practices” of caring for wild animals in a captive setting. Students will learn about the rules pertaining to keeper safety and animal safety, and gain hands-on experience with tools and equipment used by zookeepers in many areas of the zoo. This foundational course will also prepare students for further course work in Zoo Science by introducing topics that will be revisited in greater detail in later courses.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
  • ZOSC 210 - Zoo Science

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: BIOL 101 with a grade of C or better
    This course is a primer on the history of zoos and the changing role of the zoo in today’s world. Zoo research, education and conservation will all be discussed using concrete examples from successful zoos. Special emphasis will be given to the roles of captive breeding and research as they relate to conservation. Sedgwick County Zoo staff members will also present sessions highlighting the various occupations in the modern zoo.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
  • ZOSC 211 - Zoo Horticulture

    2 credit hours
    This course focuses on the science of growing and maintaining plants in a zoo setting. Course delivery will include both classroom instruction and hands-on experiences in and around exhibit spaces at the Sedgwick County Zoo. Topics include landscape design, potential plant toxicity issues for zoo animals, management of irrigation systems, and arboriculture. Non-animal elective.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
    College: CBASE
  • ZOSC 212 - Zoo Exhibit and Interpretation Design

    2 credit hours
    This course provides an overview of modern zoo exhibit design focusing on the needs of zoo animals, zookeepers, and zoo visitors. In addition, students will learn about the development and implementation of informational graphics used around zoo exhibits. Course delivery will include traditional classroom instruction and on-site examinations of zoo exhibits and their interpretive graphics at the Sedgwick County Zoo. Non-animal elective.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
    College: CBASE
  • ZOSC 220 - Zoo Operations

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ZOSC 210 with grade of C or better; Zoo Science majors only
    An examination of zoo operations other than the direct care of animals. Topics covered will include horticulture/landscaping, production of graphics, maintenance, and guest services.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
  • ZOSC 310 - Introduction to Zoo Animal Health

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: BIOL 101 with grade of C or better; ZOSC 120; BIOL 320 with grade of B or better
    Covers the fundamentals of animal health and veterinary medicine as they apply to exotic animals. Topics include infectious diseases, pharmacology, surgery, anesthesia and preventive medicine.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
  • ZOSC 312 - Zoo Animal Behavior

    2 credit hours
    Students in this course will develop an animal behavior observation plan and implement that plan to record data on patterns of activity. Instruction will focus on the underlying principles of animal behavior, and students will devote time in and out of class observing animals to construct an ethogram that meets the standards of AZA (the Association of Zoos and Aquariums). Animal elective.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
    College: CBASE
  • ZOSC 320 - Zoo Animal Training and Enrichment

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ZOSC 120 and ZOSC 210 with final grade of ‘B’ or better
    Students will acquire the skill set necessary to creatively approach issues of captive animal management through the practical application of training and enrichment. Students will be challenged to think creatively and critically about animal behavior needs and problems, apply their knowledge by designing and executing training and enrichment plans, and address hypothetical behavioral issues and evaluate solutions utilizing training and enrichment.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
  • ZOSC 341 - Management of Zoo Mammals

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ZOSC 120; ZOSC 210 and BIOL 320 with grade of B or better; declared Zoo Science major
    An overview of mammalian biology and taxonomy, and in-depth coverage of the techniques involved in the safe management of wild mammals in captivity.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
  • ZOSC 342 - Management of Zoo Birds

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ZOSC 120; ZOSC 210 and BIOL 320 with grade of B or better; Declared Zoo Science majors
    An overview of avian biology and taxonomy, and in-depth coverage of the techniques involved in the safe management of wild birds in captivity.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
  • ZOSC 343 - Management of Zoo Amphibians and Reptiles

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ZOSC 120; ZOSC 210 and BIOL 320 with grade of B or better; declared Zoo Science major
    An overview of the biology and taxonomy of amphibians and reptiles, and in-depth coverage of the techniques involved in the safe management of these animals in captivity.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
  • ZOSC 380 - Principles of Wildlife Interpretation

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ZOSC 341, 342 or 343 with final grade of ‘C’ or better.
    An experiential course in which students learn techniques used in public speaking and development of educational materials for the purpose of educating zoo visitors about animals and their habitats. Students are required to provide interpretive outreach to zoo guests on at least one Saturday during the semester.
    Limited to Zoo Science majors.
  • ZOSC 494 - Zoo Practicum

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CGPA of 3.0 and final grade of ‘B’ or better in ZOSC 210 and final grade of ‘B’ or better in one management course in the animal area where the practicum is to take place: ZOSC 341, ZOSC 342, or ZOSC 343 and ZOSC 120
    An out-of- lass experience in which the student spends the semester (2 credit-hours per semester) working as an assistant keeper in one animal area. At least 8 hours of clock time per week is required at the job site, with the schedule to be determined in consultation with zoo staff. Two semesters are required (4 credit-hours pass/fail total) and a student cannot spend both semesters in the same zoo area. Limited to Zoo Science majors.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA
  • ZOSC 495 - Zoological Internship

    1-3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ZOSC 210
    This Internship is meant for Zoo Science majors who travel to zoos or other captive animal facilities and spend significant time working with one or more supervisors gaining experience at the facility. Students must spend a minimum of 60 hours undertaking supervised tasks for each credit hour of enrolled internship. Students will contract with a supervisor as to the activities required and number of hours devoted to each activity.
    Course Delivery Methods: TRA

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