Mar 11, 2025  
2016-2017 Academic Catalog 
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Fine Arts

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The Division of Fine Arts offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in art, art education, music theatre and music; a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in ballet; and a Bachelor of Music degree in music education and vocal, piano, or instrumental performance.  In collaborations with the English Department and the Division of Business and Technology, a Bachelor of Arts degree in English/Drama is offered; a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications; and a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Business is offered.


Acts of Faith: An interdenominational ministry outreach of Friends University Theatre Department.  The mission of this outreach is evangelism, encouragement, exhortation, and inspirational entertainment to the Wichita community and beyond.  Interested students are selected through auditions each fall semester and form the company ensemble for the school year.

Chamber Orchestra: A string orchestra specializing in music of the Baroque and Classical periods as well as the 21st century. The Chamber Orchestra performs concerts both on and off campus.

Concert Choir: A choral organization open to all students in the University by audition. The choir annually presents the Friends University Christmas Convocation and performs numerous times on campus and in the Wichita area.

Friends University Community Orchestra: Consists of instrumentalists from the college and community. This 60-piece organization presents three concerts annually and performs some of the finest orchestral literature.

Jazz Bands and Combos: Combine a mixture of contemporary jazz and selected popular music in their performances. Groups perform on campus, at selected area high schools and at various community functions. The bands have competed in regional, national, and international jazz festivals and tour various areas.

Kantorei:  A choral ensemble of students selected from the Concert Choir.  This group prepares and performs repertory and musical styles in a variety of settings.

Madrigals: An ensemble of 25 singers selected from the Singing Quakers. It primarily exists to study choral repertoire appropriate to chamber groups.

Singing Quakers: A select choral organization, which has gained an enviable reputation throughout the country for the high musical quality of its performances. Each year the choir performs a Candlelight Concert and two other formal programs. The choir annually takes a week-long concert tour. Many local appearances are scheduled each season in Wichita and the surrounding area.

University Band: Presents formal concerts and plays for athletic functions each season. The Concert Band frequently appears before educational conferences and community functions.

In addition to these organizations, opportunity is given students for participation in smaller vocal and instrumental music ensembles.


In addition to the Friends University’s definition for awarding a credit hour the music program within the Fine Arts Division and the College of Business, Arts, Sciences and Education further defines credit and time requirements for specific music courses.

  • In lecture/discussion music courses, credit is awarded consistent with the university credit hour policy published in the academic policies of the University catalog.
  • In method/practicum/laboratory music courses, one hour of credit is given for two to three 50-minute recitation periods and one to two hours of student preparation per week for 15 weeks. The 3 hours of weekly time per credit will vary between faculty led instruction, and student work is determined by the subject matter and learning outcomes of the course.
  • In Conductor-led ensembles, one credit is given for an average of 4 hours of work each week for 15 weeks either in a conductor-led rehearsal or student practice.
  • In Instructor-coached ensembles, 0.5 credits is given for an average of 2 hours of work each week for 15 weeks either in a faculty coached rehearsal or student led rehearsal.
  • In Applied Music (Performance) courses, one credit hour will be given for each three hours per week of practice, plus the necessary individual instruction for 15 weeks. A maximum of six credits per term is allowed for the major subject in music performance.

The procedure for ensuring accurate and reliable application of the credit and time requirement policy occurs during the course creation process and is reviewed during the academic approval process. Courses are created by discipline-specific faculty under the guidance of the division chair and the college dean. Credit hour assignment is applied according to the published university policy and is reviewed through the academic approval process. This process is designed to review a course proposal (which includes credit and time requirements) by all music faculty members, the division faculty members, the college dean and the college Academic Advisory Committee; the college faculty and a university Academic Cabinet under the leadership of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. All aspects of course proposals are reviewed and vetted through this multi-level process. Periodic review of accurate credit and time requirements for existing courses occurs during the institutional program review process and/or the self-study for re-accreditation. 

Community Organization:

Music Theatre of Wichita is available to Friends University students for a special summer academic credit in Music Theatre through participation and study in Wichita’s professionally-structured theatre arts program. Master classes and seminars by nationally known staff and artists combine with personal involvement in major musical and operetta productions at Wichita’s Century II Cultural Center for one of the finest musical theatre education programs in the region.


Friends University is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music.


    Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Fine ArtsBachelor of MusicMinor

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